Annual Events
500 kids in grades 3-6 learn basic football and teamwork skills with Micah and other local football players and coaches.
Starting in 7th grade, Fostoria students can receive points for their athletic involvement and academic achievement.
If students receive 27 out of 30 possible points by graduation, they will be awarded a $5,000 scholarship.
Each year, kids in each of our states we oversee receive Nike shoes and other items.
Imagine for Youth thanks teachers for their support and dedication to their students by clearing their Amazon wishlists in an annual giveaway.
Events Per Year
We helped Fostoria City Schools start their Care Closet, which provides food and other essentials to students.
We donated school supplies, hygiene products, $2,500 and also partnered with Dr. Kinn to donate toothbrushes and toothpaste to the closet.
Fostoria students are able to visit the closet and take items as they need them.
Date: Mach 4, 2023
Location: Fostoria, Ohio
Imagine for Youth hosted a tasting event at the The UrbanWoody Brewery & The HoneyBee Winery.
Date: May 7th, 2022
Location: Fostoria, Ohio
Imagine for Youth Foundation board members and volunteers partnered with the American Red Cross to “Sound the Alarm” for families in need of smoke alarms. We went door to door talking to residents and installing life saving smoke alarms.
Location: Arcadia, Elmwood, Findlay, Fostoria, Fremont, Hopewell-Loudon, New Riegel, Tiffin Columbian, Van Buren High Schools
Date: May 2020
10 senior athletes from ten high schools in Northwest Ohio received $1,000 college scholarships.
Location: Fostoria, Ohio
Date: November 1, 2019
Imagine paid off all unpaid lunch fees belonging to Fostoria City Schools.